Stagger-Tuned RF Filtering
Bruce Wooley
Student: Robert Wiser

Research Summary
A flat filter passband can potentially be obtained at GHz frequencies by
combining Q-enhancement and staggered tuning on multiple isolated
resonators. Precise control of each resonator's center frequency and Q is
required in order to shape the overall filter response to specification.
Automatic tuning will be utilized to demonstrate the feasibility of an RF
stagger-tuned filter and the subsequent easing of tolerances on
down-stream circuitry.

- Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
- M.S.E., Electrical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, August 2002
- B.S.E., Electrical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, May 2002

Contact Information
Center for Integrated Systems, #077
Via Ortega & Via Pueblo
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4070
Phone: (650)725-3719

Integrated Circuits Lab
Center for Integrated Systems
Stanford University
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