Low Resolution High Speed CMOS A/D Conversion

Faculty: Bruce Wooley

Student: Lalit Nathawad


Research Description

The present research focuses on the design of Nyquist rate CMOS analog-to-digital (A/D) converters with low to moderate resolution of 4 to 6 bits and sampling rates on the order of 1 GSample/second.  Applications for data converters operating at this speed and resolution include data communication links using multi-level signaling (e.g. PAM and QAM),  disk drive read channels and high frequency instrumentation.  Since the CMOS A/D converter is often integrated on the same chip as other analog or digital  functions, design for both low power and low area is important to improve yield and reduce cost.

The fastest A/D converters use either a flash or folding and interpolating circuit architecture.  CMOS flash converters can provide between 4 to 8 bits of resolution with sampling rates as high as 1.5 GSa/sec, but require a large amount of power and area.   Folding and Interpolating converters use analog pre-processing circuits to reduce the number of comparators required relative to a flash converter; however, the bandwidth of the analog pre-processing often limits the sampling rate.  Today's CMOS folding and interpolating converters provide about 6 bits of resolution at about 500 MSa/s.

As CMOS technology scales to smaller dimensions, the design of ever faster A/D converters is complicated by both increases in device mismatch and reductions in supply voltage.  Obtaining even 4 to 6 bits of resolution in submicron CMOS often requires some form of digital or analog calibration.  Part of this research will involve investigating trade-offs between circuit area and power for various calibration/trimming techniques as well as offset averaging methods.





Center for Integrated Systems, #132B
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
voice: (650) 725-2861
fax: (650) 725-3383
Email: nathawad@par.stanford.edu


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