Contents: Overview - News - Getting MIDAS - New Models - Bug Reports - Reference
Other features of MIDAS include its computation speed, which is considerably higher than that of a circuit simulator, and the availability of pre-defined models for several system building blocks. The standard models provided with MIDAS include a wide variety of linear and nonlinear system elements, as well as models for generating test signals, such as sinusoids or Gaussian noise. Several different analysis techniques are available to examine internal and external signals of the simulated system. These include transient analysis, spectral analysis, distortion analysis, and the estimation of statistical quantities such as mean, power, and probability density.
MIDAS provides two interfaces for the user. The configuration and parameters of the simulated system and the analyses to be performed are entered by means of an input file that builds on models for primitive functions such as adders, quantizers, delay elements, sinusoidal or other sources, and signal analyzers. These models can either be the standard models included with MIDAS, or user-defined models. The second user interface is the capability to add new models to MIDAS. New models are compiled directly into the main program, making their execution very fast. This also makes it easy to incorporate existing code, from program libraries for example, into new models.
The MIDAS 3.1 distribution also includes 86 new models and 20 new example input files. The manual has been expanded and includes several relatively elaborate examples to help users become familiar with the capabilities of the simulator quickly.
The file inclusion feature via the include command has been enhanced so that it can utilize the standard UNIX file expansion character, ~. Finally, the output of MIDAS 3.1 is along stdout as well as stderr to make it easier to separate the netlist echo and error messages from the simulation results.
To get a copy of the MIDAS v3.1 distribution, send an email request to professor Wooley ( along with your association and a brief project description (how MIDAS will be used) for our tracking purpose.
To get a copy of just the MIDAS v3.1 manual as a compressed file, click here ( pdf or ps ).
To get a copy of xgraph v11 as a compressed tar file, click here.
For a list of public FTP sites for the GNU C++ compiler, as well as various public domain graphing tools, click here.
C++ is available without charge from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 (telephone 617-542-5942, Email C++ is also available from other vendors including AT&T, Software Sales and Marketing, P.O. Box 25000, Greensboro, NC 27420 (telephone 800-828-UNIX).
If you have a model that you would like to contribute, please email it and a short description to Xinying Ding,
To see new/modified models created in the time period 10/8/97 to 10/15/97, click here.